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Catalogue: TYPOGRAPHY (printing, book binding etc.)

9237 ABELARD AND HELOISE The Lives, Amours and Misfortunes of Abelard and Heloise. ADDED Wyndham Theatre Programme of the play by Ronald Miller.. . 104 p., illustrated with a coloured title page and 8 full-page coloured plates by E A Cox, 22 x 26 cm. 1947 The Tithe House, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex F Lewis Publishers Ltd HARDCOVER: (original blue cloth, a very crisp and clean copy , illustrations bright and beautiful, but dust jacket partly dam . VERY GOOD) Marvellously printed by Meijer's Drukkerij, Wormerveer , Holland [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography ] EUR 59,50
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5111 BALLE, JAN-LUC & JAQUES GOFFIN Een eeuw kantoormachines 1873-1973. Het kantoormateriaal van het Museum van de Boekdrukkunst.. . 100 p., b/w ïllust. bibliogr., 18 x 25 cm 1993 Brussel SOFTCOVER: (Orig. pictorial stiff wrpprs. VERY GOOD) A century of office machines. Well-illustrated. [KEY WORDS: Cultural history catalogue ] EUR 29,50
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9270 BELCAMPO Sint Joris. Errste druk. Niet in de handel. Oplage van 400 exemplaren.. . 44 p. 1983 Amsterdam : Querido : (Orig. ingenaaid, met flappen met fraaie tekening en vergulde letters. ZEER GOED) Zeer zeldzame Errste druk. [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography ] EUR 32,50
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3509 BLANKENSTEIN, A.H.G. Zetkunst. . &&&&& 96 p. , num. ills. , many tipped-in. and some inserted colourproofs 1940 The Hague : Drukkerij Nieuw Leven HARDCOVER: (Orig. decor. halfcloth cover, light wear, else VERY GOOD) Typographic print proofs. [KEY WORDS: History Typography printing ] EUR 29,00
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81017 BOEKDRUKKUNST / DOUGLAS C.MCMURTRIE Over de uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst waarvan de herdenking na vijfhonderd jaren in 1940 plaats vindt volgen hier uit Douglas C.McMurtrie's "The Book" te New York in 1937 verschenen gegeven objectieve beoordeling van de bekende feiten de hoofdstukken X en XI in Nederlandsche vertaling. . 62 p.,pagina-grote z/w afbeeldingen, onafgesneden, gedrukt bij Joh.Enschedé op Pannekoek papier. 1940 Amsterdam : Brandt en Zoon & P.Proost & Zoon HARDCOVER: (Orig.half linnen, bladzijden onafgesneden.ZEER GOED) [KEY WORDS: Cultural history typography boekdrukkunst letterkunde Nederland Gedenkboek uitgeverij] EUR 19,50
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8678 BOXTEL, M. VAN & HAM, G. VAN DER Imprimé en Hollande. Het Franse boek in Nederland gedrukt. Le livre francais imprime aux Pays-Bas. Ed. bi-lingue.. . 70 p.rijk geillustreerd, bibliogr. 1985 Amsterdam :Stichting Koninklijk Paleis SOFTCOVER: (Orig.paperback. Ruggetje iets verkleurd. Nummer op schutblad, verder ALS NIEUW) [KEY WORDS: Cultural history books on books typography ] EUR 8,50
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3498 CLAIR, COLIN A History of Printing in Britain. First Edition. . 314 p., 53 b/w photo illustrations, including facsimiles, index 1965 London: Casel & Company Ltd. HARDCOVER: (Org. gilt. green cloth, dust jacket. AS NEW) This book provides an outline history of the development of printing in Great Britain since the time of Caxton. [KEY WORDS: History Typography Printing ] EUR 33,50
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3941 COOLEN, ANTOON De Weg Terug. . . Antoon Coolen vertelt een Kerstverhaal voor . . . 1e druk. . 32 p., 12 x 15 cm, gebrocheerd 1936(?) Amsterdam : H. Nelissen SOFTCOVER: (Orig. in twee kleuren gedrukt omslag, met de hand ingenaaid, omslag & tekst licht roest-vlekkerig, verder ZEER GOED) Zeldzaam, zeker in deze uitgave. Als relatiegeschenk bedoeld voor kerstmis. De naam van de gever en de ontvanger kon zelf ingevuld worden op het voor- en achterplat. [KEY WORDS: typographie typography special editions speciale uitgaven Literature fiction Christmas stories ] EUR 79,50
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6267 DEPONDT, P. Papier: over papier en kunst. . &&&&& (23) p.,num. b/w/ photogr. 1987 De Uitgevers SOFTCOVER: (Orig. stiff wrpprs with cut out decorations, pages stapled. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: art kunst paper papier typography ] EUR 27,50
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1820 DIJK, C. VAN Halcyon Two vols.: Het mooiste typografisch tijdschrift ooit in ons land gemaakt. Inhoud 1940-1942.. . 32, 48 p.. b/w ills. 1989 Zutphen : Bührmann-Ubbens HARDCOVER: (Or.wrpprs. in original case, as new) [KEY WORDS: typography ] EUR 20,42
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3493 DOOIJES, DICK. Over drukletters en het ontwerpen daarvan. . &&&&& 44 p.,b/w photogr. plates, text ills. 1959 Amsterdam : Grafische School SOFTCOVER: (Orig. decor. cardboard wrpprs. VERY GOOD) Scarce. [KEY WORDS: Typography Printing ] EUR 28,75
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3146 DRUCKGRAPHIK / H. KÄTELHÖN Druckgraphik aus den letzten 15 Jahren, Verzameling H. Kätelhön, atelier voor diepdruk en lithografie Wamel Möhnsee. Tentoonstelling geoganiseerd door het Stadsbestuur van Sint-Niklaas van 6 juni tot 10 oktober 1982. . 96 p., b/w plates 1982 SOFTCOVER: (Or. wrpprs AS NEW) [KEY WORDS: art graphik ] EUR 19,00
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6066 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD 1951 KERSTNUMMER / CHRISTMAS ISSUE The international issue. With English summaries. Num. beautiful printing samples.. . b/w and colored illustrations 1951 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 29,00
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6067 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1952 KERSTNUMMER / CHRISTMAS ISSUE Typography by Dick Elffers.Bijdragen van o.a. H.C.L. Jaffé (over Van Gogh), Th. Ramaker (over fotografie), R. Kuipers (over H.N. Werkman o.a.), C. Doelman (over de grafiek van M.C. Escher). - Foto's Emmy Andriesse, Ad Windig, Carel Blazer. . b/w and colored illustrations 1952 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad Photography Escher] EUR 29,00
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6068 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1953 Letter En Beeld Bevat bijdragen van G.W. Ovink Letter en beeld, H. Krijger Tekst, illustratie en typografische vormgeving, Jan G. Elburg Op zevenmijlslaarzen door de reclame.. . 103 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1953 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 29,00
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6070 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1955 Typogr. A. Verberne e.a. Inleiding o G.W. Ovink. - Bevat een bijdrage door J.J. Vriend over Negentiende-eeuwse bouwkunst.. . b/w and colored illustrations 1955 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad Architecture ] EUR 23,00
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6071 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1956 Typogr. verz. Ch.A. Jongejans en Jan Bons. Including a.o. Folkertsma B. : Commercial Printing; F. van der Meer: De vlucht naar Egypte in de kunst. Many photographs of '50's designs.. . 84 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1956 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad Architecture ] EUR 23,00
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3473 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1960 NEDERLANDSE BEELDENDE KUNST sinds 1945. Bijdragen van o.a. C. Doelman De bevrijding van de grafiek, H.R. Rookmaker Kunst in het boek, J.W.M. van Harren Achtergronden van de Ned. drukkunst na 1945. Over Werkman, Escher, Appel, Corneille e.a. - Typogr. verz. H.P. Doebele. - Met 88 pag. Advertenties en bijlagen, typogr. verz. door B.C. van Bercum, w.o. [5] Gedichten na '45 in Letters na '45 (M. Vasalis, Bert Voeten e.a.) en Dag beste Sandberg van het 65-jarige museum!.. (foto-collage met portret).. . 102 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1960 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. Christmas Issue 1960: Dutch Visual Arts since 1945. Contains: C. W. Mönnich, De psalmen; H. L. C. Jaffé, De Beeldende Kunst in Nederland na 1945; H. Redeker, Het Hollandse karakter in de schilderkunst voor en na 1945; C. Doelman, De bevrijding van de grafiek; H. R. Roomaker, Kunst in het boek & J. W. M. van Haaren, Achtergronden van de Nederlandse drukkunst na 1945. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 27,00
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3474 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1960 NEDERLANDSE BEELDENDE KUNST sinds 1945. Bijdragen van o.a. C. Doelman De bevrijding van de grafiek, H.R. Rookmaker Kunst in het boek, J.W.M. van Harren Achtergronden van de Ned. drukkunst na 1945. Over Werkman, Escher, Appel, Corneille e.a. - Typogr. verz. H.P. Doebele. - Met 88 pag. Advertenties en bijlagen, typogr. verz. door B.C. van Bercum, w.o. [5] Gedichten na '45 in Letters na '45 (M. Vasalis, Bert Voeten e.a.) en Dag beste Sandberg van het 65-jarige museum!.. (foto-collage met portret).. . 102 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1960 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs, back bit faded, else VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours coverring aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. Christmas Issue 1960: Dutch Visual Arts since 1945. Contains: C. W. Mönnich, De psalmen; H. L. C. Jaffé, De Beeldende Kunst in Nederland na 1945; H. Redeker, Het Hollandse karakter in de schilderkunst voor en na 1945; C. Doelman, De bevrijding van de grafiek; H. R. Roomaker, Kunst in het boek & J. W. M. van Haaren, Achtergronden van de Nederlandse drukkunst na 1945. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 24,00
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5533 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1965 KERSTNUMMER 1965 Nr.52 : thema: de jaren 1900 - 1965. . b/w and colored illustrations 1965 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs., spine bit dakened, else VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 13,00
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9283 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1966 KERSTNUMMER 1966 W. Sandberg-issue: Het Teken (The Sign). . b/w and colored illustrations 1966 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. Spine light shelf wear, VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 23,00
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3477 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1967 Kleur En Motief / Colour and Pattern. Christmas Issue 1967: Kleur En Motief / Colour and Pattern. Dick Elffers. - Bevat o.a. inleiding en 5 gedichten door Dick Hillenius en een compositie van Louis Andriessen. - Typogr. verz. Dick Elffers e.a. . 92 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1967 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 19,00
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3479 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1973 Drukwerk en communicatie. Printing and Communications. . &&&&& 103 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1973 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 16,00
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3480 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1974 Het 2e gebruik. Recycling Tekst Herman Hoeneveld. Typografie Hans Barvelink.. . 114 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1974 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs, first pages loosening, else VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 21,00
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5534 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1983 KERSTNUMMER 1983 Thema: Kijk! Letters! De makers aan het woord. Compleet in de oorspronkelijke verpakking. . b/w and colored illustrations 1983 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 15,00
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3482 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD AUTOLIJN KERSTNUMMER 1990 Het 'OLIENUMMER' Red. en typogr. verz. Gerard Hadders e.a.. . 120 p., b/w and colored illustrations 1990 Amsterdam HARDCOVER: Oorspr. karton. VERY GOOD The aim of the special Christmas numbers, published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 29,00
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6078 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD-AUTOLIJN-GRAFISCH NEDERLAND Christmas Issues, 1960, 1966, 1968. 3 volumes. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme.. b/w and colored illustrations 1960-68 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers (Combined With Autolijn Since 1952; Named Grafisch Nederland Since 1969)., published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 45,00
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6077 DRUKKERSWEEKBLAD-AUTOLIJN-GRAFISCH NEDERLAND Christmas Issues, 1949, 1951-1956, 1960, 1962, 1964-1968, 1973-1974, 1983 & 1990. 18 volumes. With fine illustrations by Appel, Escher, Werkman, Corneille, Chagall, etc. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc. , each year grouped around a special theme.. . b/w and colored illustrations 1949-90 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. VERY GOOD) The aim of the special Christmas numbers (Combined With Autolijn Since 1952; Named Grafisch Nederland Since 1969)., published by the Dutch printers' (and later also chemigraphers') organisation, is to give a yearly survey of the technical and aesthetic standards and of their progressive development, showing a well-balanced interest for history and for the most extreme contemporary trends. Each issue is profusely illustrated mostly in colours, covering aspects like: type-founts, printing, colour-printing, illustration etc., each year grouped around a special theme. [KEY WORDS: Typography Ned. Drukkersweekblad ] EUR 345,00
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6237 DUFF, OLIVER New Zealand Now : Centennial Surveys First Edition. Workcopy for the 1956 Allen & Unwin-edition, full with typographical remarks. ADDED letter to Sir Stanley Unwin from R.M.Campbell (New Zealand House, Strand, London), dated 23 August, 1955, proposing editorial suggestions.. . XVI, 128 p., frontisp., 7 plates, 2 maps, index 1941 Wellington: Department of Internal Affairs HARDCOVER: (Ex library copy of New Zealand Government Office, London) An interesting document for the history of book publishing, particularly by George Allen & Unwin, London and biographers of Sir Stanley Unwin. [KEY WORDS: New Zealand typography history of book publishing Sir Stanley Unwin George Allen & Unwin, London] EUR 50,00
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4418 FRANCKEN, FRITZ Batig saldo. (poëzie) . &&&&& [53 p.], 27 x 19 cm.. [1934] Brussel : Meuwissen : (Orig. gebrocheerd, papieromslag met rode titelopdruk, gedrukt op zwaar papier, eerste paginas met roestvlekjes. ZEER GOED Zeldzaam. "In dit bundeltje werden de o.m.a. uitgekozen - door mij sedert 1913 geschreven verzen vereenigd, - batig saldo van dolle avonturen. Mocht ik me in mijn afrekening vergist hebben, dan gelde één verontschuldiging: het geschiedde te goeder trouw. Men kan argeloos zijn op elken leeftijd. Zij het niet zonder een zweem van zelfbedrog. " F.F. [KEY WORDS: literature poetry poëzie typography ] EUR 19,50
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1988 GEDENKBOEK DER WERELDBIBLIOTHEEK 1905-1915 Gedenkboek der Wereldbibliotheek 1905-1915. "Feestuitgaaf der Maatschappij voor goede en goedkoope Lectuur". 440 p., num. b/w photogr. 1915 Amsterdam HARDCOVER: (Orig. décor. cl.., good, clean copy) Met vele schrijversportretten. [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography boekdrukkunst letterkunde Nederland Gedenkboek uitgeverij] EUR 29,00
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11251 GLORIEUX-DE GAND, THERESE Cistercienzer handschriften van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België. Catalogue. . 213+3 p. with col. illustrations on plates, index, 25,5 x 18,5 cm.. 1980 Brussel : Koninklijke Bibliotheek SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Books on books typografie typography boekdrukkunst Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables] EUR 14,50
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9699 HAUMONT, JACQUES Discours sur l'art typographique. (Cahiers de Typographie IV). Tirage à 500 exemplaires numérotés .No. 54. 33 p. 1952 Paris SOFTCOVER: (Org. gwrpprd. Pages uncut and unopened. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Typography Printing ] EUR 18,75
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3356 HELWIG, HELLMUTH Bandversierders. Over vervalsers van historische boekbanden hun voorbeelden en slachtoffers. With a foreword by H. de la Fontiane Verwey.. . 95 p, 12 b/w plates, bibliography, 20.5 x 20.5 cm 1967 Zutphen: Wöhrmann & Zonen HARDCOVER: (Original red decorated cloth, in bookcase/ cassette. AS NEW) A rare book on the forgery of old bookbindings, written for and published by a bookbinding company, celebrating its founding in 1857. [KEY WORDS: Cultural history book history bookbinding forgery] EUR 48,00
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3512 HET LITERAIR EEUWBOEK / KOMRIJ, GERRIT HET LITERAIR EEUWBOEK, met voorwoord van G.Komrij Honderd jaar het boek van het jaar. 1e edition. . n.p., many b/w photographs 1986 Amsterdam : Bijenkorf SOFTCOVER: (Orig. decor. wrpprs, damaged spot on front cover, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: History Typography printing Boeken over boeken Books on books ] EUR 6,50
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3496 HIJMANS, WIM Denken in de Toekomst. 25 jaar Grafische Bedrijfsfondsen. Typography by Mart KEMPERS, with litho's in color, many illustrations are from the Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam. 1e druk. 46 p., colour plates 1974 Amsterdam : Drukkerij Meijer HARDCOVER: (Org. gilt. green cloth. AS NEW) [KEY WORDS: History Typography Printing ] EUR 13,50
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6058 HISTOIRE DU LIVRE ET DE L'IMPRIMERIE EN BELGIQUE Des origines à nos jours. Volumes 1-5 . First edition. . 90 / 115 / 132 / 86 / 75 p. with illustrations very well repoduced in black and white and some coloured backgrounds, 22 x 29 cm 1923-9 Bruxelles : Musée du Livre : (Orig. stiff gray printed wrappers, pages uncut, red initial capitals.. NEAR FINE) Monumental work on the history of printing in Belgium. Volume I deals with manuscripts and incunables, Vol. II with book illustration in the 15th century, Vol III with 16th century printing & editing in Antwerp, Vol. IV Brussels' printing in 17th & 178th century. Vol. V Musical typography in the 16th century & Liège printing. [KEY WORDS: Europe Europa Belgium Belgie Belgique typography history of printing ] EUR 129,50
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15015 HOEKSTRA, FEICO (RED) Moderne devotie. Terug naar de bron met Geert Grote (1340-1384) & Thomas a Kempis (ca. 1380-1471. De Moderne devotie in Deventer en Zwolle. . 127 p., fraaie kleurenillustraties 2011 Wbooks SOFTCOVER: (Orig. decor.hardcover. . NIEUW) Gezocht, zeker in deze nieuwstaat. [KEY WORDS: Europe Europa Netherlands Holland Dutch Deventer Zwolle Books on books typografie typography boekdrukkunst Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables] EUR 14,50
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81018 HÜMMELCHEN, DR. W. De historische ontwikkeling van de rasterdiepdruk + ZELDZAME BIJLAGE volgen hier uit Douglas C.McMurtrie's "The Book" te New York in 1937 verschenen gegeven objectieve beoordeling van de bekende feiten de hoofdstukken X en XI in Nederlandsche vertaling. . 40 p.,pagina-grote z/w afbeeldingen. 1963 Leiden : Ned. Rotogravure Maatschappij HARDCOVER: (Orig.ingenaaid met omslag. ALS NIEUW) ZEER ZELDZAAM Compleet met het zeer zeldzame bijbehorende gedenkkleed t.g.v. het huwelijk van Koningin Wilhelmina en Prins Hendrik (1901) [KEY WORDS: Cultural history typography boekdrukkunst ] EUR 49,50
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81019 HÜMMELCHEN, DR. W. De historische ontwikkeling van de rasterdiepdruk + ZELDZAME BIJLAGE volgen hier uit Douglas C.McMurtrie's "The Book" te New York in 1937 verschenen gegeven objectieve beoordeling van de bekende feiten de hoofdstukken X en XI in Nederlandsche vertaling. . 40 p.,pagina-grote z/w afbeeldingen. 1963 Leiden : Ned. Rotogravure Maatschappij HARDCOVER: (Orig.ingenaaid met omslag. Omslag iets verkleurd en licht gescheurd aan bovenkant, verder ZEER GOED / ALS NIEUW) ZEER ZELDZAAM Compleet met het zeer zeldzame bijbehorende gedenkkleed t.g.v. het huwelijk van Koningin Wilhelmina en Prins Hendrik (1901) [KEY WORDS: Cultural history typography boekdrukkunst ] EUR 39,50
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9287 IGGESUND ANCHOR Paperboard Reference Manual . . &&&&& 261 p.. num col and b/w ills.,30 x 21 cm., index, bibliogr. 1993 Sweden : Iggesund Anchor Paperboard HARDCOVER: (Orig. pict. boards.. AS NEW) Very rare body of information material for the paper industry. [KEY WORDS: Europe Europa Sweden paper making paper industry ] EUR 49,50
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11253 IN BEELD GEPREZEN. In beeld geprezen. Miniaturen uit Maaslandse devotieboeken 1250-1350. Catalogus van de tentoonstelling. Sint-Truiden 1989. . 203+3 p. with col. illustrations on plates, index 1989 Leuven : Uitgeverij Peeters SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs. GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Books on books typografie typography boekdrukkunst Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables] EUR 14,50
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3499 JONG, L.C.H. DE Handboek voor den lino- en intertypezetter. 2e gewijzigde druk. 304 p., 179 b/w illus., index, 16 x 24 cm 1947 Hoorn : Drukkerij Edecea HARDCOVER: (Org. gilt. brown cloth, some browning, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: History Typography Printing ] EUR 55,00
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10157 KOCH, HERMAN Zomerhuis met zwembad Dwarsligger 136 15e druk. . 638 p., 12 x 8 cm. Oblong 2013 Dwarsligger HARDCOVER: (Orig geboden. ALS NIEUW) Moeilijk te verkrijgen. [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography ] EUR 19,50
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9248 LE CARRE John.Le Carré Our Game. 1st Edition / 1st Printing ISBN:034064026X Correct First Edition with number line 10 through to 1.. 347 p., col. maps on end papers. 1995 London : Hodder and Stoughton HARDCOVER: (Orig. blck gilt. cl., red ribbon-marker, gilt. dust jacket. Name on first end paper, else NEARLY FINE) This rue first edition - is very scarce., because this first edition (with full strike-line number 10-1) was stopped after 1000 copies had been printed- Le Carré objected to the jacket design. A change was made, and the books in new jackets carried the strike-line 10-2. This low print run makes this book one of the most difficult non-limited Le Carré books to find [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography collector's item ] EUR 99,50
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13236 LEVISSON, L. Drukken en Drukwerk Ontwerp omslag door Machiel Wilmink. . 56 p., z/w & kleur ,ills.,, deels ingeplakt, 19,5 x 27 cm 1927 : (Orig. ingenaaid, fraai kleurrijk omslag, achterzijde deel verloren, ruggetje deels weg, verder ZEER GOED) ZEER ZELDZAAM EN GEZOCHT Typografisch hoogstandje, waarschijnlijk een uitgave bedoeld als reclame van Levi Levisson (1878-1948). Drukker te Den Haag. Oprichter-eigenaar van Drukkerij Levisson 1902-1906; oprichter-directeur NV Elektrische Drukkerij voorheen Drukkerij Levisson 1906-1948; directeur NV Rotogravure Maatschappij 1913-1948. Bestuurslid van Nederlandsche Bond van Boekdrukkerijen (vanaf 1909). Lid van Comm. voor Advies voor Bedrijfsraden. Lid van de Bedrijfsraad van de Typografie en het Rasterdiepdrukbedrijf. Bestuur Joodse Invalide, en Joods Weeshuis te Leiden. Mede-opr. LJG Den Haag (1930). Voorzitter Verbond van Liberaal Religieuze Joden in Nederland. Officier orde Oranje Nassau (1938). [KEY WORDS: Typography Printing Levi Levisson. Machiel Wilmink] EUR 198,75
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1982 LOMMEN, M. De grote vijf. . &&&&& 62 pp., col. ill. of title pages. portraits 1991 Amsterdam : Bührmann-Ubbens Papier SOFTCOVER: (paperback, orig. wrpprs, as new) Essay on famous Dutch typographers, De Roos, Van Royen, Van Krimpen, Stols [KEY WORDS: Book design typography ] EUR 14,00
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8547 MALMS, EWALD Goldene Worte. Ein besinnliches und beschauliches ABC. Sprechende Schriftkunst in 25 Studien faksimiliert und handgedruckt. 1. Auflage.. . Unpaginiert , in 25 (montierten) Studien , 22 x 16 cm 1920(?) Leipzig HARDCOVER: (Orig. Halbleder handgebunden Kordelbindung Mit Widmung auf letzten Vorsatz .SEHR GUTEM ZUSTAND) Fine book on calligraphy in 25 studies in facsimile pasted plates. Printed by hand . Half leather hand bound with cord. [KEY WORDS: Books on books typography boekdrukkunst ] EUR 34,50
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15016 MARTENS KAREL; KINROSS, R & TRIEST J. VAN (ED.) Printed matter/ drukwerk Dr. A. Heineken Prize for Art to Karel Martens. Text in English and Dutch. Designed by Jaap van Tries . 1st ed.. . Chinese bindwijze 145 p., col ,ills., 17,5 x23,5 cm 1996 London : Hyphen Press : (Orig. -Chinese- bound in four-fold stiff wrpprs with nice decorations. VERY GOOD) Zeer mooi exemplaar van de oorspronkelijke druk. ZELDZAAM en GEZOCHT. RARE First edition of this monument of printing. [KEY WORDS: Typography Printing ] EUR 298,75
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11257 MAZAL, OTTO Europaïsche Einbandkunst Aus Mittelalter Und Neuzeit. Pflegestätte Der Wissenschaft. Die Handschriften- Und Inkunabelnsammlung Der ôsterreichischen Nationalbibliothek.1. Auflage.. . 138 p. text, (colour) plates, describing 270 Einbände der ôsterreichischen Nationalbibliothek,notes & references, glossary, indexes 1990 Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt HARDCOVER: (Original publisher's cloth with pict. dustjacket VERY GOOD / AS NEW) This is the only complete edition of the Ausstell.ungs Katalog der. Österr. Nat. Bibl. . [KEY WORDS: (books on books typografie typography (Medieval) Manuscripts & Miniatures, Calligraphy Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables] EUR 95,50
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11250 MAZAL, OTTO Schatzkammer Der Buchkunst. Pflegestätte Der Wissenschaft. Die Handschriften- Und Inkunabelnsammlung Der ôsterreichischen Nationalbibliothek.1. Auflage.. . 59 p. + 64 plates, Bbbliography, index. 1980 Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt SOFTCOVER: (Orig. Paperback, title page bit fox, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: (books on books typografie typography (Medieval) Manuscripts & Miniatures, Calligraphy Manuscripts Handschriften Manuscrits Inkunabel Frühdrucke Early Printed Books Incunabelen Incunabula Incunables] EUR 15,50
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11247 MEULEN, R. VAN DER Boekhandel en bibliographie. Theorie en praktijk geschetst in een reeks aaneensluitende opstellen. Naar het voorbeeld van Rottner, Schurmann, Rouveyre.. 1e druk. Op schutblad NAMEN van de vorige eigenaars (1894 tot 1946) en "Wie volgt?". . XIII + 505 p., met voorbeelden geillustreerd., index [1883] Leiden : A.W. Sijthoff HARDCOVER: ( 3/4 leder met vergulde versieringen. Nieuwe schutbladen. ZEER GOED) [KEY WORDS: bibliography bibliografie typography typografie ] EUR 59,50
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9537 PRIKKELS! Prikkels!. Een boek over de vijf zintuigen. Voelen, horen, ruiken, zien en proeven.. . 84 p., veel kleur ills., 25 x 27 x 3,8 cm 1999 Zaandam : Albert Heijn : (Orig. ringband. Voorkant kaft van velours met ingebouwde radio. Paar kleine ballpointkrasjes op schutblad. ZEER GOED) Boek met ingebouwde radio, vast afgestemd op een speciaal voor dit project in het leven geroepen radiozender. . Prikkels! is door de Type Directors Club (TDC) in New York bekroond met het Certificate of Typographic Excellence. [KEY WORDS: typography psychology ] EUR 69,50
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8677 PROOST & BRANDT Omgang met papier. . &&&&& 64 p.rijk geillustreerd 1951 Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (Orig.paperback. ZEER GOED) Zeldzame uitgave van 1951 [KEY WORDS: Cultural history books on books typography ] EUR 12,50
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2365 RUEBSAMEN, HELGA Het lied en de waarheid 6e dr. GESIGNEERD door auteur en de officiele NOMINATIE-aankondiging voor de ExLibris literatuurprijs door de uitgever. 396 p. 1998 Amsterdam/Antwerpen : Contact HARDCOVER: (Orig. gebonden in geel linnen met goudopdruk, met stofomslag. Naam op schutblad. ZEER GOED) Autobiografische roman [KEY WORDS: Literature fiction typography ] EUR 12,50
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9333 SCHAUER, GEORG KURT Der wohltemperierte Leser. Zehn Plaudereien über die Kunst des Lesens. ADDED Original Happy New Year card of the publisher.. . 91 Seiten, zweifarbiger Buchdruck,Textabbildungen und Abbildungen auf Tafeln 1964 Frankfurt/M.: Mergenthaler HARDCOVER: (Originalpappband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel auf schwarzem Lederstreifen. WIE NEU) [KEY WORDS: typography special editions ] EUR 17,50
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9286 SHANNON, FAITH Veelzijdig papier. Maken, verwerken, decoreren. Fotografie Peter Marshall . Oorspr titel Paper Pleasures. First ed.. . 167 p.. num col and b/w ills., 27 x 24 cm. 1988 Houten : Gaade HARDCOVER: (Orig. blue cloth. Dust jacket.. AS NEW) Rijk geillustreerd standaard werk over o.m.: zelf maken van papier, marmeren, zelf boeken maken. Zeldzaam. [KEY WORDS: paper making ] EUR 49,50
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200421 THIEME / KALKWIEK, W.F Groeien in de tijd 1792 - 1992. Geschiedenis van het Zutphense familiebedrijf Thieme. . 191 p.,num. (col.) llustr., bibliogr.,index 1992 Zutphen : Thieme HARDCOVER: (Orig. cl. Dustjacket. NEW) [KEY WORDS: Europe Europa Netherlands Holland Dutch Zutphen Cultural history typography Economy ] EUR 14,50
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3490 TSCHICHOLD, JAN Letterkennis. Vert. uit het Duits van Schriftkunde, Schreiben und Skizzieren.. . 73 p., ills. 1948(?) Amsterdam : De Arbeiderspers (Voor de Stichting Graphilec Mijdrecht) SOFTCOVER: (Orig. decor. cardboard wrpprs slightly loosening, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: History Typography Printing ] EUR 14,75
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8569 VAN DOORN, JAN P.C. In dien tijd..(Lucas 2: 1-14) Van het blok gedrukte houtgravure. . 2 p.. tekst, zwart met hoodfletters in rood gedrukt, houtgravure, 14 x 22 cm n.d. Centrale Drukkerij N.V. Kerst- Nieuwjaarswens HARDCOVER: (Orig. stiff wrappers. AS NEW ) VAN DOORN, JAN P.C. was een Nijmeegs schilder/graficus. Afdruk hoogte x breedte: 15 x 8 cm. Papier hoogte x breedte: 22 x 14 cm. [KEY WORDS: typography art 20th Century Dutch Artists ] EUR 19,50
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3405 VERHEY B.J. Stempel- en gereedschapmaken. Leerboek voor het vervaardigen van speciale gereedschappen in de metaalindustrie. Deel I. 3e druk. . 170 p., num. b/w ills., index, 16x24 cm. 1958 Haarlem : Stam HARDCOVER: (Orig. decor. cl. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Stamps Instrumentmaking printing ] EUR 9,25
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81082 WALETT, FRANCIS G. ET.AL. Massachusetts Newspapers and the Revolutionary Crisis 1763-1776 First Edition. . 44 numbered pages, Illustrated throughout, octavo 1974 Boston: Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission HARDCOVER: (Org. green stiff paper covers). VERY GOOD) Plates with facsimiles of newspapers, portrait and an eigthteenth ptinting press [KEY WORDS: North America U.S.A. History Typography cu Printing newspapers revolution] EUR 19,50
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3147 ZEEFDRUK IN VLAANDEREN Zeefdruk in Vlaanderen Verzameling H. Kätelhön, atelier voor diepdruk en lithografie Wamel Möhnsee. Tentoonstelling geoganiseerd door het Stadsbestuur van Sint-Niklaas van 9 januari tot 7 maart 1982. . 59 p., b/w plates 1982 SOFTCOVER: (Or. wrpprs AS NEW) [KEY WORDS: art graphik ] EUR 19,00
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