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Catalogue: VENEZUELA

11068 A VALDIVIESO MONTANO José Toma´s Boves. Caudillo hispano; el más recio batallador realista durante la guerra a muerte: anos de 1812 a 1814... . 178 p.,b/w ills., on plates 1953 Caracas : Linea Aeropostal Venezolana SOFTCOVER: (Org. carton decor. wrpprs Stamp on end paper. Name on title page. VERY GOOD) Very rare [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Colonial history War of Independence, 1810-1823. ] € 49.50
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287 ALZAIBAR, JUAN CARLOS Bajo-Orinoco. Depositos de hierro en la sierra Imataca. (la parte descriptiva) . 48 p.,ills.,maps 1948 Caracas SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 14.97
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1599 ARMAS CHITTY J.A. DE Tucupido: Formacion de un Pueblo del Llano . &&&&& 291 p., coloured map, name index, place index 1961 Caracas : Univ. Central de Venezuela SOFTCOVER: (paperb., wrappers ) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Ethnography Anthropology History ] € 43.11
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795 ARMASCHITTY, J.A. DE Caracas. Origen & trayectoria de una ciudad. 2 vols. . I:278 ; II:218 p., ills., bibliogr., index 1967 Caracas : Fund. Creole SOFTCOVER: (paperb., bit fox.) Academic study, based on historical documents. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 56.72
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11110 BÁEZ FINOL, VINCENCIO Venezuela: informaciones útiles para los emigrantes . &&&&& 199 p.,b/w photo's, (fold.) tables maps , bibliogr 1953 Caracas : Ingrana SOFTCOVER: (Orig.pict. wrpprs. Cover light shelf wear. Name on first page.VERY GOOD) Publication to promote the immigration toVenezuela. Very rare and sought after. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Immigration Settlement Sociology Sociological Society ] € 28.50
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229 BALEN, MR.W.J.VAN Venezuela. Met een introductie van Dr.H.Riemens, tot 1954 gezant te Caracas . 167 p. ills., col. fold. map 1955 's-Gravenhage : Van Hoeve HARDCOVER: (cl., wrpprs) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography ] € 14.97
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13005 BARRAL, P. BASILIO DE Los Indios Guaraunos y su cancionero. Historia, religion y alma lirica. . XX + 594 p. Con las letras bilingües y con las partituras musicales, un plano plegado, numerosas ilustraciones, index, 24x17 cm 1964 Madrid : C.S.I.C Departamento de misionologia Espanola SOFTCOVER: (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed in two cols. Cover bit sunned, else AS NEW) Contiene la música teurgico-mágica de los indios gauraunos; las fiestas del naja-namu y de los noguara; la piacheria guarauna; la música popular de los indios guaraunos. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Ethnography Anthropology Music Musical instruments South American Indians ] € 34.50
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100 BORGES, CARLOS Discurso del presbitero Carlos Borges en la casa natal del Libertador. . 78 p.,18x10 cm. 1953 Caracas : Ministerio de Educacion SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 4.08
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104 BRICENO PEROZO, MARIO El contador Limonta. . 206 p.,facsim.docum.,regist.,ex libris Dr. J.A.van Praag) 1961 Caracas : Nacional SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela ] € 14.97
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348 BUERGER, OTTO Venezuela. Ein Fuehrer durch das Land und seine Wirtschaft. Mit einer mehrfarbigen Karte . VII+272 p.,tables,,index 1922 Leipzig : Dieterich HARDCOVER: (hlf cl.,bit stained,,sm.dam.last p.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Geography ] € 31.31
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923 BURR, W.F. Durch das tropische Südamerika. Aus Alexander von Hunboldts Berichten über seine Reise in die Äquinoktial-Gegenden des neuen Kontinents. (ca 1920) . IV+261 p., ills., frontisp. n.d. Leipzig : Voigtländer : (card b., wrpprs, end frayed, sl. fox.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel Expeditions History ] € 20.42
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11072 CALZALDILLA, J. De hedendaagse graveerkunst in Venezuela Tentoonstelling in Belgie, 1965. . 20 p. text & 10 p. (col.) plates, map 1965 Gent SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb.,. VERY GOOD [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela art ] € 12.50
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498 CANZLER, GUENTHER Canaima. Zeichnungen einer Reise. With dedication by author . drawings with text 1954 Frankfurt : Gutenberg HARDCOVER: (cl.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel Drawings] € 21.33
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156 CARDOT, CARLOS FELICE Epistolario. Gil Fortoul en la intimidad y en la diplomacia . XXXIX + 247 p., ill. 1974 Caracas : Italgrafica SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 17.70
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13006 CASSANI, JOSEPH / REY, DEL JOSE Historia de la Provincia de la compania de Jesus del nuevo reyno de Granada en la America. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, 85.. . XCIX + 431 p., index 1967 Caracas : Fuentes para la Historia Colonial de Venezuela SOFTCOVER: (Orig. stiff wrpprs, printed in two cols. VERY GOOD) Rare. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Ethnography Anthropology Religion Colonial history ] € 44.50
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102 CATALOGO La primera exposicion bibliografica sobre Caracas. . 117 p.,ill. 1956 Caracas : Consejo Municipal SOFTCOVER: (paperb.,sl.stained) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Bibliography ] € 13.61
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284 CODIGO Codigo de comercio de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. . 325 p.,11x14 cm. 1919 Caracas : Las Novedades HARDCOVER: (cl.,traces of use) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Economy ] € 14.97
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421 CRIST, R.E. & LEAHY, E.P. Venezuela. Search for a middle ground . 128 p..ills.,index 1969 New York : Van Nostrand SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography ] € 11.34
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43 EWELL, JUDITH Venezuela. A century of change. . XIII+258 p.,map 1984 Stanford : Stanford University Press HARDCOVER: (cl.,wrpprs) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Politics ] € 26.77
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3690 FIASSON, JEANNINE Llanos terres brutales. Six ans dans la grande prairie vénézuélienne.. . 221 p., b/w photogr., drawings (plates), maps, 14 x 19 cm. 1956 Paris : Julliard HARDCOVER: (Orig. gilt blue cloth some light wear, some small spots and small stamp on end paper, some browning, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography Geographical Geographic Nature ] € 17.50
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1809 GEOFFRE, FRANCOIS DE Venezuela terre des folles espérances. . &&&&& 202 p. , num. b/w photogr. 1953 Paris : Amiot - Dumont SOFTCOVER: (or. col. décor. wrappers, uncut) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Ethnography Anthropology Expeditions colonies, exploration aventure voyages] € 29.50
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6017 GONZALEZ SIRIT, ISMAEL & RAFAEL Poliantea del distrito Zamora. Estudio geografico, politico, economico, cultural, folklorico y en especial medico-sanitario y Social de la Region.. . 578 p., num. b/w photogr., maps 1954 Caracas SOFTCOVER: (Orig. pict. stiff wrpprs, cover bit soiled, else VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Falcón Zamora Geography Geographical Geographic Ehnography Anthropology medicine ] € 30.00
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6661 GORMSEN, ERDMANN Barquisimeto. Eine Handelsstadt in Venezuela. (Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten - Heft 12). 143 S. mit 11 Karten (davon 2 -aus 3- in Tasche beiliegenden mehrfach gefalteten Karten), 26 Tabellen, 16 Abbildungen, Bibliogr. 1963 Heidelberg SOFTCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs, missing one small loose map, else AS NEW) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography Geographical Geographic History ] € 27.50
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4338 GOSLINGA, C.CH. De Nederlanders in Venezuela / Los holandeses en Venezuela Uigave in Nederlands / Edicion en espanol. . 171 + 171 p.,ills., documents 1992 Caracas SOFTCOVER: (Orig. pict stiff double wrpprs . VERY GOOD) Zeer zeldzaam. Muy raro. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Migration immigration emigration History Ethnography Anthropology ] € 69.50
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4185 GUERRERO MATHEUS, FERNANDO El libro de oro del Trisesquicentenario del Lago de Maracaibo : 1499-1949.. . 576 p., num.(col.) ills. on plates, large folding map 1952 Caracas : Vargas SOFTCOVER: (Orig. pict. wrpprs. Light traces of use. VERY GOOD) Very scarce. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela colonial history historia colonial geography Geographical Geographic Geográfica ] € 79.50
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881 HANSTEIN, O.VON Durch die Wildnisse des Orinoco. Die Reise Alexander von Humboldts durch die Llanos von Venezuela(...) Mit 2 farbigen Vollbildern, einer Reisekarte und zahlreiche Text-Illustrationen . 158 p., (col.) ills., map, frontisp. 1930 Leipzig : Leipziger HARDCOVER: (hlf cl., bit waterstained) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel Expeditions History ] € 21.78
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822 IBRD The economic development of Venezuela. Report of a mission organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development . XVIII+494 p., col. maps, tables, index 1961 Baltimore : Johns Hopkins HARDCOVER: (cl., wrpprs, libr. mark, some underlining) This report examines the key sectors in the Venezuelan economy and appraises its sources of strenght and weakness. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Economy Geography ] € 20.42
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1705 JANKUS, ALFRED P. & MALLOY, NEIL M. Venezuela. Land of opportunity. First ed. . 6+259 p.,ills.,col. map, index 1956 New York : Pageant HARDCOVER: (cl. b., cover sl. worn & stained)) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography Geographical Geographic ] € 12.71
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246 JANKUS, ALFRED P. & MALLOY, NEIL M. Venezuela. Land of opportunity. First ed. . 6+259 p.,ills.,col. map, index 1956 New York : Pageant HARDCOVER: (cl. bdn) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography Geographical Geographic ] € 17.24
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3000 JONGKIND, FRED Venezuelan industrialization, dependent or autonomous? : a survey of national and foreign participation in the industrial development of a Latin American OPEC country. CEDLA publication # 21. . VIII+229 p., diagr., bibliogr. 1981 Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) This extremely scarce study is a first empirical challenge of the 'Dependency theory'. Its conclusions are based on an extensive questionnaire administered to a representative sample of industrialists, national, immigrant and foreign, operating in Venezuela. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Economy History industrialization ] € 85.00
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648 KATE, H.F.C.TEN Over llano and sierra. Fragmenten uit mijn reisjournaal. Offprint Tijdschr. Aardrijkskundig Genootschap pp. 639-664 . 25 p. 1890 Leiden SOFTCOVER: (stapled) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel Expeditions History ] € 15.88
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882 KLENCKE, H. Alexander von Humboldt. Ein biographisches Denkmal. Mit dem Portrait Alexander von Humboldts und einer Karte des Orinoco-Stromes . X+252 p., map, frontisp. 1851 Leipzig : Spanner HARDCOVER: (cl. waterst., bit fox. ) Sabin 38045. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel History ] € 72.60
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1980 LAFOND, GEORGES Le Venezuela. 2 cartes. 189 p., maps 1948 Paris : B.O.E. SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Geography ] € 17.00
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184 LAFOND, GEORGES Le Venezuela. Preface de M.C.Zumeta, ministre de Venezuela en France. 5 planches hors texte et 1 carte . VIII+122 p., ills., map 1928 Paris : Roger SOFTCOVER: (paperb., sl.worn) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Geography ] € 36.30
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11074 LECHNER, J. & H.PH.VOGEL De nieuwe wereld en de lage landen. Onbekende aspecten van vijfhonderd jaar ontmoetingen tussen Latijns-Amerika en Nederland.. . 199 p. text & 10 p. (col.) plates, map 1992 Amsterdam : Meulenhoff SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb.,.AS NEW Contributors: D. de Vries - H.Ph. Vogel - P.C. Emmer - J. Lechner - G.J. Oostindie - E. Stols - R.Th.J. Buve - M.S. Hoogmoed - F.C.M. van Putte. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America History ] € 9.50
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11075 MACHADO ZULOAGA, OSCAR Empresarios, políticos y desarrollo . &&&&& 23 p. 1974 Caracas : Asociación Venezolana de Ejecutivos SOFTCOVER: (paperb. AS NEW.) Very rare. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America entrepreneurship Economy ] € 14.50
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3272 MALDONADO, FRANCISCO Analectas de historia eclesiastica venezolana. Seis primeros obispos de la Iglesia venezolana en la época hispanica, 1532-1600. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia (Caracas) ; 117.. . LXIV + 521 + 6 p., indexes 1973 Caracas : Fuentes para la historia colonial de Venezuela SOFTCOVER: (Or. printed wrappers. Small ex-libris former owner. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Church ] € 45.00
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51 MARSLAND, W.D. & A.L Venezuela through its history. . 277 p. ,photogr.,map 1954 New York : Crowell HARDCOVER: (cl., dam.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Geography Geographical Geographic ] € 20.42
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6673 MENDOZA, CRISTOBAL L. Las primeras misiones diplomáticas de Venezuela. 2 vols. With dedication by autor by Pedro Grasses. Tomo 1: 469 p..; Tomo 2: 412 p., index 1962 Madrid : Guadarrama HARDCOVER: (Orig. wrpprs, cover vol. 2 bit creased, pages uncut and partly unopened. VERY GOOD) Rare. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 85.00
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3269 NUNEZ , ENRIQUE BERNARDO Cacao. Ensayo y prólogo de ORLANDO ARAUJO. . 565 p., photo of Nunez tipped in after title page, 16x23 cm. 1972 Caracas: Banco Central De Venezuela SOFTCOVER: (Or. Printed Wraps. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela historia Cacao ] € 46.00
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4186 NÚÑEZ, ENRIQUE BERNARDO Juicios Sobre La Historia De Venezuela: Cubagua - Orinoco - Tres Momentos En La Controversia De Límites De Guayana. Prólogo deBeroes, Pedro.. . VI + 202 p., ilustraciones, mapa plegado de una parte de Venezuela y de la Guyana Británica 1976 Caracas : Consejo Municipal Del Distrito Federal HARDCOVER: (Orig. gilt. buckram, very mild occs. fox. VERY GOOD with GOOD pict. dustjacket) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela British Guyana Colonial history Geography Geographical Geographic frontier disputes ] € 57.50
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3274 OJER, P. La formación del oriente venezolano. 1. Creación de las gobernaciones.. XXXIII+618 p., (fold.) plates: facs. & maps, bibliography, indexes 1966 Caracas : Uni. Cat. "Andres Bello" HARDCOVER: (Or. printed wrappers. Small ex-libris former owner. VERY GOOD) Very scarce. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Geography Geographical Geographic Voyages Travel Regional studies] € 98.00
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4184 PARRA PEREZ, CARACCIOLO Mariño y la Independencia de Venezuela. Vol. V: La cuarta Republica.. . 432 + 5 p.,, forntisp. portrait, index 1957 Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica SOFTCOVER: (Orig. stiff decor. wrpprs, cover bit soiled, else VERY GOOD) This is the very rare fifth vol. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Colonial history ] € 39.50
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98 PEURSEM, J.H.VAN f Historia y filatelia. by W.van Bellen.With dedication by author . 174 p.,and many pages with photogr,mostly stamps,map 1939 El(sic) Haya : Philatelie & Geschiedenis SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Biography Politics ] € 44.92
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11077 PIE´RARD, LOUIS / PAUL RIVET Terre des Indiens. Argentine, Mexique, Pérou, Bolivie. . &&&&& 184 p. 1938 Paris : Ed. Rieder SOFTCOVER: (Orig. stiff wrpprs, printed in two cols. Cover small tear. VERY GOOD) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Mexico Ethnography Anthropology Geography Geographical Geographic South American Indians ] € 14.50
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101 PLANAS SUAREZ, D.SIMON Los extranjeros en Venezuela. Su condicion ante el derecho publico y privado de la Republica. Segunda ed. With dedication by author . 368 p. 1917 Lisboa : Colonial SOFTCOVER: (paperb. sl.dam,uncut) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Immigration Settlement ] € 44.92
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640 POCATERRA, JOSE RAFAEL La tyrannie au Vénézuéla. Gomez, la honte de lAmèrique . XX+229 p., ills., frontisp. 1928 Paris : Delpeuch SOFTCOVER: (paperb., partly uncut) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Politics History Geography ] € 25.41
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2232 RAMOS, ALCIDA RITA Sanuma Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in Times of Crisis. 1st printing. 346 p.,photogr., drawings, maps, index bibliogr. 1995 University of Wisconsin HARDCOVER: (Orig. red cloth. Apart from a few (ex) library stamps AS NEW for the book is unused) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela brasil South American Indians field work anthropology ] € 37.50
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1171 RHEINHEIMER, H.P. Topo. The story of a Scottish colony near Caracas 1825-1827. With 14 water-colours by M.Retemeyer . XVI+168 p., col. plates, facsimiles, photogr, bibliogr., 23x29 cm. 1988 Edinburgh HARDCOVER: (Or. cl. b., dustwrpprs, new) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Immigration Settlement ] € 35.39
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8421 ROSENBLAT, ANGEL La primera vision de America y otros estudios. Sec. improved edit. With dedication by author. 272 p. 1969 Caracas : Ministerio de Educacion SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History ] € 23.50
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120 ROURKE, THOMAS Gomez. Tyrant of the Andes. . XVI+320 p.,ills.,maps on endpapers 1936 New York : Morrow HARDCOVER: (gilt edged cl.bnd) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Biography History Politics ] € 27.23
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1371 SIEVERS, WILHELM Geografia de Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela. Transl. fr. German by C. de Salas. . 207+16 p.plates, ills.,index, (col.)(fold.)maps,13x19cm. 1931 Barcelona : Labor HARDCOVER: (cl., dust jacket) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Ecuador Colombia Venezuela. Geography ] € 24.96
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455 SOCIEDAD LASALLE Memoria. Un nuevo cestode para Venezuela, and other articles Tomo XV,no 40 . 84 p.,ills. 1955 Caracas : La Salle SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Biology ] € 11.34
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307 STAUB, W. Columbien, Venezuela, Trinidad. Mit 5 Abbildungen und 2 Karten. Kleine K&F-Reihe fuer Auswanderer und Kaufleute . 63 p.,diagr.,(fold.)maps, 10x15cm 1946 Bern : Kuemmerly SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Columbia Venezuela Immigration Settlement Economy Geography Trinidad] € 13.16
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538 STEIN-ARROYO, HEINRICH Venezuela mit Stadtfuehrer Caracas und Reiserouten. 2.neuueberarbeitete Auflage . 102 p.,ills., n.d. Muenchen : Volk und Heimat SOFTCOVER: (paperb.,frayed spine end) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Travel guides Voyages Travel Geography ] € 12.71
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517 TAYLOR, PHILIPB.JR. (ED.) Venezuela: 1969. Analysis of progress. Papers prepared for a conference held at Washington, D.C., November 10-11,1969 . VI+266 p., list of participants 1971 Washington : Johns Hopkins University SOFTCOVER: (paperb.) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Economy Geography ] € 14.97
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11097 UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Homenaje a Andrés Bello en el bicentenario de su nacimiento (1781-1981) Diálogos hispánicos de Amsterdam. Spaans Seminarium: Anuario, Universiteit van Amsterdam.. . 152 p., bibliogr. 1982 Amsterdam : Rodopi SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb. with stiff wrprs. VERY GOOD) Rare. Contiene entre otros un cuento de Henk Haverkate. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Language Dialects linguistics literature study ] € 14.50
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745 VENEZUELA Notice politique, statistique, commerciale, etc. sur les Etats-Unis du Vénézuéla contenant les renseignements les plus utiles et les plus précis sur ce pays et accompagnée d'une carte de la République . 320 p., col. fold. map, tables 1889 Paris : Dupont SOFTCOVER: (paperb. end sl. frayed, some browning) Contains five blocks of tables & text in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian. [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela History Statistics Economy ] € 43.11
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3121 YBARRA, T.R. Young man of Caracas. Foreword by E.Davis . XIII+324 p.,ills. 1942 New York : Garden City HARDCOVER: (cl., VERY GOOD) This is the version with the sepia photos! [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Geography Geographical Geographic Economy Biography ] € 22.50
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11065 ZAHL, PAUL A. Coro-coro. The world of the scarlet ibis. First ed. . 216 p., ills., map, col. frontisp., bibliogr. 1956 London : Hammond HARDCOVER: (Org. blue gilted cl. VERY GOOD with repaired GOOD dust jacket) [KEY WORDS: Latin America South America Venezuela Voyages Travel Nature Zoology Animals ] € 14.50
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